Entries by Micheala

Career Coaching for Young Adults

Do you know what you want to be when you grow up? Well, get ready for a huge sigh of relief, because most of us are still trying to answer that same question. Some people get lucky. They know what they love, it makes them tons of money, and life appears to be pretty great. […]

EMDR Therapy | What is It & How Does it Work?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a dynamic tool that is helpful for many different concerns. EMDR therapy can help those who have suffered past traumas. It can also address persistent thoughts that are getting in the way of your goals and happiness. The EMDR Peak Performance Protocol can even help you maximize your […]

Parent Coaching Isn’t Just for Those with Troubled Kids

As parents, it can be difficult to find the appropriate method of communication and parenting style when your family is constantly bombarded with ‘helpful advice’ from nearly every angle. Parent coaching in Texas is different. That lady at the grocery store judging your screaming toddler isn’t the best person to be consulting on how to […]

Why Couples Counseling Is for Everyone

Marriage counseling and couples therapy sometimes come with a reputation. It’s the last step for a lot of people on the road to divorce as well as something to avoid at all costs. But that is totally wrong. The news is actually really great! Relationship success rates are up to 98% according to the American […]

Therapy for Moms When Life Is Out of Control

Therapy for moms may sound like just another chore on the to-do list. When tradition usually dictates that women and men alike try their best to handle all the emotions of life on their own, it’s easy to put it off until another day. But what happens when that stops working? Eventually, we all fall […]