Tag Archive for: moms

Postpartum Support | Help for Depression and Anxiety

The 9 months leading up to birth are a uniquely beautiful and challenging time. Every woman and every pregnancy is different. There is a lot of anticipation, planning, and uncertainty during this time. Much focus and attention goes into the 9 months before birth, but the truth is that the challenges don’t end there. Whether this is your first or your fourth child, there is no way to fully prepare for the months after birth.  Kids have a way of keeping things interesting, and even the most experienced mothers can struggle to manage life with littles. It’s a beautifully, exhausting season of life. If you are struggling in pregnancy or in the postpartum period, there is help. You do not have to figure it out on your own. Read on to learn more about postpartum disorders, their symptoms, and treatment.

How do I know if I have Postpartum Depression or Anxiety?

Postpartum depression (PPD) and anxiety can show up in many different ways. The symptoms of PPD are not always obvious and are sometimes difficult to detect when they first begin. In fact, postpartum disorders don’t always show up right after birth. Sometimes symptoms don’t appear right away. PPD symptoms may manifest as late as 6 months after birth. Regardless of when the symptoms begin, here are some common signs of postpartum depression:

  • Tearfulness, sadness, feeling “blah”
  • Easily overwhelmed
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Excessive worry and guilt
  • Easily agitated
  • Anxiety
  • Uncontrollable rage
  • Trouble making decisions
  • Suicidal thoughts or thoughts of harming yourself or your baby

How to prepare for birth with postpartum depression in mind

The months leading up to birth are full of preparation. Rooms are made ready, maternity leave arranged, and you may even prepare your body with prenatal vitamins. If you have experienced depression or postpartum depression previously then you are at a greater risk of developing postpartum depression. This is a good time to learn how you rest and recharge. Work on communication with your partner and practice asking for & accepting help. When the baby comes, these skills will be helpful.

If you are experiencing depression or anxiety before birth, find a counselor who works specifically with women. Prenatal counseling can help you navigate the stress and worries of childbirth. Your counselor will help you learn positive coping skills to manage the months ahead.

What is Self Care for Postpartum?

Self-care is different for everyone. When seeking out self-care, check-in with how you are feeling. The best activities will leave you feeling refreshed and recharged. You don’t have to spend a lot of time or money to take care of yourself. Whether you have 10 minutes or a few hours, here are some self-care ideas to get you thinking in the right direction:

  • While the baby sleeps, step outside and take some deep breaths. Notice the warmth of the sun, drink some tea, or close your eyes for a short meditation or catnap.
  • Cozy up on the couch and read a good book or do something that feels like it’s just for you. Watch that cheesy rom-com and revel in the “me time”.
  • Find 10 minutes a day to meditate. Whether you are listening to a guided meditation on simply closing your eyes and focusing on your breath, this is a time to practice disconnecting from the busyness of your mind and the responsibilities of the day. It’s okay if your mind wanders, just notice the thoughts and come back to your meditation.
  • If you can’t bring yourself to disconnect and relax, try journaling. You can write about your thoughts and fears, or even make a list of all the things you think you need to do. Regardless of what you journal, it is therapeutic to get the thoughts out of your head and on paper. If you wrote down a to-do list, take a second pass and prioritize according to what will make the most impact on your daily life or cross out the items that aren’t essential. Give yourself permission to be selective of how you want to spend your time.
  • Take a shower, put on real clothes (or at least your nicer pairs of yoga pants!). You don’t have to find time for the whole get-ready process. If you only have time to put your hair into a nicer bun and put on a new comfy outfit, that’s okay. You are taking the time to take care of yourself, and you will feel better for it.
  • Take a walk with the baby in a stroller. Listen to music, a podcast, or just enjoy the scenery; the goal here is to connect with what brings you joy and peace.
  • If you have older kids, plan a playdate. Let the kids keep each other company while you talk with another mama in your same life stage.

You’re not alone in your postpartum journey

If you are struggling with guilt and worry and you don’t know how you can keep going on and taking care of your new baby, you are likely experiencing Postpartum depression. Postpartum depression is a result of hormonal fluctuations and the many changes and new responsibilities that come along with having a new baby. It’s not your fault. There is help, and you don’t have to figure it out on your own. The first thing you should do is let your partner or another adult know that you are struggling. If you can start practicing self-care, then make that a priority. But if you cannot, then start with a trip to your doctor or a counselor. Depending on your situation, postpartum depression and anxiety can be treated with medication and therapy. Your doctor and counselor will help you decide what route to take.

Everyone’s birth experience is different.

Both moms and dads can struggle with adjusting to life with a new baby, and it’s okay if you aren’t loving every minute of life with a newborn. Postpartum depression can make it difficult to bond with your baby. If you are struggling to connect with your baby, talk with your partner. Not only can they help you find outside help, but you may find that they are experiencing the same struggles. If you are struggling to find someone to connect with, call the National Postpartum Depression Warmline ( 1-800-PPD-MOMS). They are available 24-7 to listen and get you in touch with someone who can help.

How can a counselor help?

A counselor can help support you in many ways after childbirth. Whether you need a safe place to talk or you need help coming up with strategies to make life a little easier, counseling can help. Regular counseling appointments carve out time for you. During your counseling sessions, you and your mental health are the focus and goal.
If you are struggling, this quick 10 question quiz can help you determine if counseling is right for you. It’s important to remember that not all postpartum depression can be managed with therapy and the above tips. Sometimes medical or other interventions are necessary. You don’t have to figure it out on your own. Talk with your partner and find a counselor who can walk this journey with you.

What we offer here at The Well House Group in Southlake, TX

Here at The Well House Group, we are here for you in every part of life’s journey. Whether you are a new mom or you have been down this road before, we are here to provide you with the tools and support to create your best life. Couples counseling can be helpful if you are struggling to communicate with your partner.

We offer both in-person and online telehealth sessions for individual counseling and couples counseling. You can schedule a session with us today either in person or via telehealth connection by emailing us, texting us, or giving us a call today. Take back your postpartum journey with us here at The Wellhouse Group.

Therapy for Moms When Life Is Out of Control

Therapy for moms may sound like just another chore on the to-do list. When tradition usually dictates that women and men alike try their best to handle all the emotions of life on their own, it’s easy to put it off until another day. But what happens when that stops working? Eventually, we all fall to pieces over something.

For moms, this can be an especially hard balance with demands coming from what feels like all sides of life. A household, family life, children, adult relationships–they all take their toll on moms. Moms of Texas wear all kinds of hats which means that caring for yourself comes with a beautifully nuanced lens.

Each one of the moms in our life is different. Some of them are career women, some are full-time family caretakers of children or parents, and some are finding a way to carve out that space in between. All of these women are a celebration of what it means to be female. Whether you are a new mom or a seasoned mom, we all turn to each other for support. The stress and fatigue that come with this part of life are universal.

What isn’t universal is your personal pain points as you take this part of life on. How have you been struggling lately? The women in your circle are there for you, but sometimes you really need more than a brunch chat to fix what’s happening in your life. Perhaps a friend or a doctor has suggested you see someone, but you are still unsure about how that fits with you. Counseling in Texas can seem like an overwhelming concept. So, what is counseling in the context of your life as a mom?

What does therapy for moms in Texas mean?

Getting to the root of what’s impeding you from living your best life means meeting where you are. Even the act of calling to schedule a meeting is you taking back control over your life, your feelings, and your well-being. No issue is too small. Counseling here in Southlake, Texas is meant to navigate you through your personal journey with motherhood to start enjoying or even get more out of that part of your identity as a wife, mother, and woman.

Especially for new moms, the transition can be exhausting and overwhelming. Talking with other moms may not be enough to lift you out of those baby blues and uncertainty of being a new parent. Therapy for moms is a place where you do not have to feel alone. You are enough. Talking through some of the things you are struggling with to an unbiased and empathetic counselor will allow you to unearth the tools and tricks to take the reins back during a time when many things seem a bit out of control.

Maybe you feel like you are doing all the right things, but you are still exhausted and stressed out. There is a place for you in therapy as well. Working on yourself is the self-care that you may be needing to lift some of the day-to-day anxiety. Perfectionism is a struggle that just about every woman faces, but it may look different for you than the person to your left and right. Coming to therapy to learn to let go of that image of the perfect family and perfect mother can lead to fuller living and a happier family.

New moms are under a brand new kind of pressure

You’ve read all the books and dealt with the horrors that pregnancy can bring. But now, your life is falling apart a bit after the little bundle of joy arrives. In the beginning, people are coming over to help you with the everyday tasks, cook you food, and coo with the baby while you rest your arms for thirty minutes and maybe catch a nap. Then those people begin to drift back to their lives, your partner may have to go back to work, and you are left alone to handle a new human being. YIKES!

There are risks for serious health conditions

Calm mom holding beautiful new born in close up. Motherhood is beautiful, but thats not the end of the story. It can also be chaotic. Sometimes you may need therapy for moms in texas or postpartum support for moms. Talk with a postpartum counselor today and develop a self-care plan for yourself. About 50 to 75 percent of women experience the baby blues following childbirth; but for some, this grows into a larger problem. About 15 percent of those women affected by baby blues develop those severe symptoms associated with postpartum depression. This process of hormone stabilization is a natural one, but some outside factors can contribute to an increased risk for a more serious condition. For those who have already experienced postpartum depression, you are at an increased risk for it in your following pregnancies. Having a postpartum counselor to check in with following the birth of your children can be critical.

Even if you do not end up with a condition as serious as postpartum depression, therapy for moms can be that hour you get back for yourself. Some mothers feel like they lose themselves when caring for a child. Establishing this practice early on can mean a better balance over the lifetime of your child as well. Mommy groups are great, but they also may not be the place to really work through your personal issues. They provide great support and aid in the isolation risks that come from motherhood; however, a professional counselor is there to guide you to the best possible outcome.

Reconnect with your partner

Being a mom is also only one part of being a woman. Being a partner to your spouse is also important, but some people struggle with their new identities melding into one. Caring for your children becomes who you are with your spouse as just another person added to the mix. How do you reconnect with them emotionally and physically? Having a couples therapist can help to kickstart those conversations for yourself and eventually you and your partner. We can walk you through how to reconnect with your own sexuality, sensuality, and individual person that you were before you became a mother.

Working with us in therapy for moms can also work in tandem with a marriage counseling and couples therapy session can put your marriage and partnership on track. Having a new baby is stressful in ways that we never imagine. Maybe it has put a great deal of stress on you and your partner’s relationship beyond just the struggle of new identities. Therapy for moms I Tecan teach you ways to ask for the help you may be needing. Parenting styles are great to discuss ahead of time in theory, but are they working out in a way that is practical for you both? Counseling can help you as a mom talk through what is working for you and what makes you feel comfortable. Not all those strategies in the books are going to work for your family!

How do you become you again?

At some point, you are going to have to leave your children. Whether that is date night once in a while or going back to work, it is hard. As a mom, you struggle with anxiety and guilt related to leaving your children in ways that most males just don’t. For some, it just takes practice, but for others this a larger hurdle to jump over. If you cannot get out of the house, you face larger problems of isolation-related illness. Partnering with a licensed counselor can help you to overcome those anxieties through coping strategies and talking with you through where the root of those feelings are coming from. Once you take back the control of being yourself again, you truly have the ability to be a rockstar mom. You can do anything you set your mind to!

Motherhood is more than just babies, though

Mother and daughter standing together outside being present with one another. Motherhood changes as your children grow. Whether you're in need of postpartum support, couples therapy, or just general therapy for moms in texas, our online counselors are ready to work with you. Get in touch with counseling in southlake, tx today!Motherhood is a long process. Maybe you are past the crying baby part of it and are starting to raise headstrong kids with lots of growing emotions. These can be small children or adolescents. Either way, you may feel ill-equipped to handle all of the new challenges that come with each phase of life. Meeting with a counselor can give you the tools you need to communicate with your children and meet them where they are. This can mean counseling for you, for you and your child, or therapy for them to help them better communicate with you. Either way our certified child life specialist, Reagan, is here in Southlake, Texas to help guide you.

Those lessons can be learned when your children are young, but it can also help you with children that are young adults and have families of their own. Watching your children go off into the world can be terrifying. Mixing families and in-law relationships are sometimes easy to manage. While sometimes, they come with unique struggles you never thought to encounter. No one really ever goes into a family union dreaming of being the monster-in-law. However, sometimes our fears and gut reactions can drive situations into murky territory. Therapy for moms can help you build strong and lasting relationships with your children and their future spouses. Therapy acts as the bouncing board for those complicated feelings. Our counselors listen and allow you to have someone in your corner to manage it all.

Here is the thing…

Being a caregiver can also extend into your later years of life as well. What happens when your adult parents come under your wing now? The stress that can come from those burdens of caregiving is not unlike those of raising a child but with the emotional complication of you being the child at one point. Balancing those needs and emotions is extraordinarily difficult to handle alone. Meeting with a counselor can help you sort through those and come up with constructive ways to handle those remaining years with loved ones.

What are some of the unique challenges moms of Texas face?

On top of all the pressure that we face just as women in our society, there is an elephant in the room because we live in the south. As modern women, we would probably like to hope that the pressures of being ‘southern’ died out a long time ago. They really haven’t. Southern women face expectations from all angles these days it seems as we are pushed to modernize and chase our dreams. However, at the same time never sacrifice the time with our family to ensure that they are properly cared for. Oh, and we also need to make perfect pies. (Can’t forget that part.)

Those pressures coming from the other women in our life can be just as challenging as those in our own heads. These standards are invisible to the outside world but nuanced and alive to those of us that call Texas home. Therapy for moms in Southlake, TX, or anywhere in Texas is a great way to let go of some of that societal pressure to be perfect, raise perfect children, and never ever let your house get dirty. That is the great part about being a woman. Today, we can choose what traditions we keep and what we want with our own life.

If you want to have a traditional family, great! When you need to work, there’s a way to do it without feeling guilty all the time. Dream of doing both? Our counseling team is here to help you succeed. Thousands of moms out there are finding their independence through starting their own companies these days. Career counseling is a great addition to your work in therapy for moms if that is who you want to be. The point is that there is a place for all kinds of moms in the south now. The apple pie can be left up to Ms. Marie Calendar.

Why choose The Well House Group in Southlake?

Choosing a counselor can be a very personal search. After all, what can be more personal than your feelings as a woman? People want someone that is both knowledgeable and relatable to share their motherhood struggles with. Here at our office in Southlake, TX, our empathetic team of counselors is here to guide your journey of self-care. From helping to pick up broken pieces to diving deeper into your journey, we help you to discover a better life for yourself and your family.

Please reach out to our amazing team today to help you feel like you are back in the driver’s seat and more than just a mom again. Our team can be reached via text, call, or email. We are even offering telemedicine for those who cannot travel to our location here in Southlake, Texas. Take back your journey of motherhood and feel in control again.

Other Mental Health Services at The Well House

Therapy for moms in Southlake, TX isn’t the only service we offer in our counseling group. Other services include EMDR therapy, therapy for moms, parent coaching, EMDR for peak performance, therapy for teens, postpartum support for moms, academic coaching, career coaching for young adults, marriage counseling and couples therapy, young adult therapy, and for LPC Interns and Associates looking to complete their licensure requirements we offer clinical supervision in Texas. All of our services are offered via online therapy in Texas and we have limited in-person options. Counseling is a great path for individual growth and healing. We would be thrilled to walk alongside your journey as you develop wellness, self-care, and navigate new pathways. Begin therapy with The Well House soon!