Tag Archive for: Performance EMDR

7 Back to School Tips for Parents Post-Pandemic

Every child faces challenges when returning back to school. But back-to-school-time can be even more challenging for students who struggle with mental health or learning disabilities. School routines and expectations are very different from those of summer break.  As the world begins to open up after COVID-19, many kids are finding themselves back in the classroom for the first time in a while. We have all felt the impact of COVID-19 restrictions. And children are no exception. It’s helpful to remember that while children are often quite resilient, they are not immune to the stresses of environmental change. As we prepare for back to school activities, you may be wondering how to help your child deal with school during COVID-19.


Seven back to school tips for parents.

seven back to school tips for parentsMental Health problems often come back with the start of school.

Summer provides a welcome respite from the hustle and expectations of the school year. The jump back into a hyper-regimented schedule is a lot to handle for anyone, but it is especially challenging for kids. Children with special needs will need extra attention to make sure they are prepared to navigate the expectations of the new school year. This will look different for each child, but often this means that a parent will need to help set up organization, study habits, school support team. In addition to setting them up for success at the beginning, keep a closer eye on them throughout the first month or so to see how they are adjusting. As the year goes on, try to touch base with them on how they are doing emotionally.

Get to know your child’s teachers.

Depending on your child’s age and maturity level, you will want to forge a connection with your child’s teachers. Teachers get to know a child’s family through the child’s eyes. They get to know how a child behaves without the parents present.  You can begin by asking questions like: How is my child doing? Do you have any concerns about their social or academic skills? Do you think they need my help with anything?

If your child is older, you will want to encourage proper communication with teachers. This includes reaching out to the teachers via email and in-office hours. It’s important that your child begin building a relationship with their teacher before trouble hits. An easy way to do this is to set up a schedule where your child regularly attends tutorial hours with individual teachers. By regularly rotating through these intimate settings your child will learn the importance of relationships in academic success.

Set up a homework routine from the beginning

You can help your child adjust to the structure of a new school year by making changes to the structure and expectations at home. A dedicated after-school routine that includes time for homework is crucial. Involve your child in the planning, but once the routine is set, do not let them deviate from the plan. You will be reinforcing the importance of this routine, and everyone will benefit from the dedicated time for home studies.

Reinforce good sleep habits.

Getting plenty of rest and sleep is important not only for good grades and staying awake but also for preventing depression and other mental health issues. Establishing a reasonable bedtime routine for your child will let them know that sleep is important. This can be even more important as they get older and have additional commitments outside of school. Setting up the habit early can lead to higher rates of success as they age.

Serve healthy food and encourage healthy eating.

Food choices affect mood, ability to concentrate, and energy levels. It is important that you provide healthy balanced options for your child. Having healthy fruits and vegetables available for after-school snacks will help your child stay alert and focused as they begin their after-school activities. Learn more about your child’s nutritional needs, so you can be setting them up for success. Not only is this going to impact them today with their learning abilities, but these habits come into play later in life as well.

Don’t jump to conclusions.

Every child matures and learns at their own pace. If your child isn’t quite ready for the rigor and expectations in the classroom that is okay. Talk with teachers and administrators to understand what their goals and intentions are for students. They can give you tips and tricks to support your child as they grow into the expectations of the school year. By initiating these conversations with school staff, you will be in a good position for further intervention should your child need additional support beyond what you are able to give.

Don’t overcommit.

With so many good opportunities for extracurriculars, many families find themselves exhausted running from one activity to the next. Keep in mind the cumulative effect that each activity will have on your child. Even if your child can logistically attend all the practices and meetings, it may not be wise to spread their energies and attention across many different activities.

At the Well House Group, we see many kids who are stressed, anxious and exhausted from all their activities. Rigorous extracurriculars on top of a rigorous academic schedule is not a recipe for mental health. To know if you have overextended your obligations, you only need to look to your child for clues. Are they exhausted, anxious, or struggling to manage their responsibilities? If so, this can be a sign that they have overcommitted themselves. As a parent, it is your job to model a balanced lifestyle that includes ample time for rest and fun in addition to academic and extracurricular activities.

While these are helpful tips for all parents at the start of the year, there are some instances where these tips are not enough. If your child shows signs of extreme anxiety and has unusual difficulties in school, you should discuss your concerns with your child’s teacher as well as a mental health professional. Each of these individuals can advise on whether a child’s problems are normal and age-appropriate or require further evaluation.

How we can help you get Back to School

Our counseling services are for more than just when your child may be anxious or depressed. We have the tools here at The Well House to help with future planning, academic coaching, or to help you with what to do next as a parent. The support necessary for a whole family is important to us here. This year in particular is going to be hard for us and our kids as we navigate a world that looks completely different than it may have before. Kids are doing school online, they may not be able to play the way they used to, and new rules are abundant. School post-pandemic doesn’t have to be scary, though.

We are here to provide you with the support that your family needs, whatever that may be. Reach out to us and schedule a discussion to find out how we can help you and your children. Let’s get back to school without feeling like losing your mind. Let’s make this school year a great one.

Career Coaching for Young Adults

Do you know what you want to be when you grow up? Well, get ready for a huge sigh of relief, because most of us are still trying to answer that same question. Some people get lucky. They know what they love, it makes them tons of money, and life appears to be pretty great. The other 99.9% of us are left wondering why we can’t be the same. Of course, social media glamour plays a huge role in making us doubt our choices, but it’s a bit more complicated than that. If you are totally lost, unfulfilled, or struggling with the changes happening in your life, career coaching can help.

Adulting is more than just making sure that you are paying your bills and doing the laundry. It’s about finding where you fit in the world and how you can create a life that is fulfilling and tailored to your needs. This can and likely will change as you grow older. The dreams you had as a child and a teen may not match up with the realities of your life as an adult now. Reconciling the two can be a difficult and complicated process.

What is Career Coaching for Young Adults?

A lot of college students end up in the corporate world after graduation. This path seems inevitable as they begin to pay bills, student debt, or live on their own. Some thrive while others struggle in this kind of environment. Career coaching can help you to determine which camp you fall into and why. It can help you to relate to coworkers in a way that you may have never had to do before. Coaching can guide you to reach your potential. Coaching can also give you the confidence to branch out and become self-employed.

Whatever your aspirations are after you enter the workforce, career counselors are there to suss out what exactly you need to get farther in your career.

Unfulfillment in the workplace is rampant, and first jobs are no exception. Granted, pushing paperwork is not exactly some people’s dream; but there are ways to make this job feel valuable and important in the grander view of things. Career coaching can help to reframe some of your other preconceived notions on what it means to be an employee and to be part of the team.

Career coaching can even be the place where you find your wings to fly out on your own. It can feel a lot like leaping off the edge of a building. With the proper tools, planning, support, and mindset; however, you can achieve whatever you set out to do. Counselors can help to ensure that you are ready to take the emotional step of finding that footing alone.

Pre-grad Counseling

Career coaching can help to reframe some of your other preconceived notions on what it means to be an employee and to be part of the team.  Career coaching can even be the place where you find your wings to fly out on your own. It can feel a lot like leaping off the edge of a building. With the proper tools, planning, support, and mindset; however, you can achieve whatever you set out to do. Counselors can help to ensure that you are ready to take the emotional step of finding that footing alone.When you are in your final years of college, every other question is what you are going to do with your degree. When you have a vision of what your future can hold, it is so much easier to get through those last few months. Not only is it mentally fatiguing, but having a plan can help you get in those last few classes necessary to graduate with the experience necessary to stand out from the person sitting next to you in the interview.

Speaking of which, talking through your fears of interviewing with a career coach can help to answer the most awkward interview questions. Do you know your true strengths and weaknesses in a way that will make you a top candidate? It’s definitely one thing to know these things as a new person in the workforce, but talking about them with prospective employers is quite different. For example: saying that your biggest weakness is that you are an overachiever (even if it’s true) may not be the best way to present yourself in an interview. Let us help you to discover a more nuanced version of yourself and take a look at the weaknesses you do possess. You may even be able to overcome those weaknesses when working with a career coach.

Don’t allow those final moments outside of the adult world to go to waste. Take the time to really figure out who you are. Most adults cannot answer those questions. Get a step above the pack with your ability to talk about yourself the right way.

Entering the workforce

Maybe you’ve been lucky enough to have your dream job lined up right out of college. Good for you! For the rest of the people still searching, having a career coach can help to narrow down the immense world of job searching. It can be a long and discouraging process. Putting yourself out there to get rejected or ghosted over and over again is hard on the best of days. A career coach is there to help soften the blow and let you vent when it becomes too much.

They are also there to help you narrow down the businesses you are putting yourself out there for. Is small business the way to go or are you fine with being one part of a larger picture? These are questions that a career coach can help you to determine where you might thrive the most. Without this guidance, you may end up skipping around for years trying to figure out the best place for your personality and work-life balance. Every company is going to tout their version of work-life balance, but knowing what works best for you is an important first step.

Changing careers or starting a business

Changing careers, even if you’ve only been in the workforce for a little while, is a scary step. You’ve taken the hard step of determining where you are at is not right for you. Now comes the even harder part of either going back into a new job and starting from scratch or beginning a new business. Having someone impartial to have your back and guide you through it all is so important.

Your spouse or family can be a great support in this time, and a career coach can only add to the tools in your belt for success. That’s all you can do in life. Prepare and learn and grow. Being a successful and happy human means discovering new things every day and taking the time to invest in yourself. In this case, you are investing in your future career happiness.

Starting a business is especially tricky. Not everyone is going to be on board, and the stress of wondering “Will this work?” is constantly lurking in the back of your mind. A career coach can help you to overcome some of the self-doubts that come with the surge of passion in starting a new venture. There is no miracle formula for success, but preparing your mindset for it makes the difference between persevering through it all and giving up before you’ve even started. A career counselor is impartial, but they are also empathetic to whatever you may be feeling.


Okay, but how is a counselor different than a mentor?

A mentor is someone that has been there before, made mistakes, and lived to tell the tale. Battle-worn and ready to swap horror stories down the road, these people are often ill-equipped to handle the emotional component of changing careers and managing one in the context of your own experiences. You are the only one living and experiencing your life. Mentors are generally limited in the advice that they can give based on personal experience. That has its own kind of value, absolutely. But finding fulfillment in what you are doing for a living or handling the stress of changing careers is the stuff that therapists handle all day long. It is their job to help you to live the best life possible because:

Career coaches are impartial

Their training means that they are only interested in helping you to achieve YOUR goals. Counselors are experienced at digging deeper than the average person to get the core of what you need. Perhaps, you have an idea of what you think you need when really the root of your issues are a little deeper than you expected.

Having someone impartial on your side means that you are able to discover what you need without worrying about the expectations of others. Parents, partners, friends, and coworkers all have an implicit bias even if they are there to support you. Talking with a career coach can allow you to let your guard down in a real and powerful way.

Career coaches are a professional at handling stress

career woman working lateJobs are stressful. Period. Even if it is something that you absolutely love, there is always some kind of stress coming at you. Deadlines, coworkers, bosses; you name it! Our team is there to help teach you how to manage all of that anxiety. Anxiety can be a huge roadblock to achieving your best life. For a lot of people, it is extremely difficult to separate the stress of the office from your everyday life. Young adults are struggling more and more with leaving their work and balancing out living. When work takes over your life, it can become a vicious cycle of stress.

Career coaches are equipped to handle emotional roadblocks

Teaching others how to overcome all of those challenges is a large part of career coaching. This can also help you in other aspects of your life. It’s hard to contain your life in just one or two boxes. Our emotions and issues tend to bleed a bit into every part of our lives in one way or another. Things like family issues and relationships are all affected by our mental state. If your career is blocking you from being the kind of person that you want to be, career coaching can help to level out the rough edges.

Trauma in your past could be the thing holding you back from the life you deserve. Counselors can help you to uncover all kinds of things in your way that you never even considered. If there is one thing that you can point to blocking your path to success, maybe EMDR treatment is the thing for you. It can also be used to remove those mental blocks in an innovative way that moves beyond talk therapy.

How EMDR can supplement Career Coaching

Young adults can carry their share of trauma. Whether you are dealing with something heavier or you want to work past the things that are blocking your focus; EMDR can help you get there. We work with you using a specialized technique to target negative emotions associated with a particular triggering event to reframe those responses to something more positive. Working with our counselors can move you to speak better in public, take risks at work to get ahead, and unlock all of your potential. You can read all about it in our EMDR therapy blog if you feel like this would be a good option for you and your situation.

Career Coaching here at The Well House Group

We are here to help you unlock all of your potential as well as help you through the hard times. Our trained staff is here to keep you performing your best and create the life you’ve always dreamed of having. Fulfillment and joy are just a few sessions away. Career coaching here at the Well House Group in Southlake, TX fills your toolbelt up with all the necessary and essential tools for success.

Our experts create an environment for you to develop the life you’ve always dreamed of. There is no reason to keep yourself from as much success as possible, and that comes from knowing yourself better than you ever have before. The life of hard knocks does not have to be your story.

You can schedule today by reaching out via text, phone, or email. Learn more about us and the services we offer here at The Well House Group. Stop your career from taking over your life. Let us help you to live the life you have always wanted.

EMDR Therapy | What is It & How Does it Work?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a dynamic tool that is helpful for many different concerns. EMDR therapy can help those who have suffered past traumas. It can also address persistent thoughts that are getting in the way of your goals and happiness. The EMDR Peak Performance Protocol can even help you maximize your performance and push beyond your current limits. In short, EMDR helps you rewire your brain so that you can more easily reach your goals – whatever they may be.

What makes EMDR therapy in Texas work?

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing or EMDR is a technique that allows the brain to rewire the way it thinks and perceives memories. Most often, this is in response to a traumatic event or a series of repeated traumas. When our bodies encounter something traumatic, our fear response is triggered. Then, when the fear response is on, the amygdala turns on and we react in one of three ways: fight, flight, or freeze. During these moments, our memories become jumbled and the brain has a tough time distinguishing the dangerous memories from the safe ones.

When our brain processes the traumatic memory and everything is jumbled. The memory and anything else associated with it will become a trigger for the emotions we are experiencing during the event. This is why our body can have such a visceral response to certain memories. Once the memory has been stored, the body doesn’t discriminate – whether you are recalling an awkward moment from 6th grade math class or a traumatic event, the body will remember and experience emotions that are in line with the way it was processed the first time.

EMDR therapy works by eliciting these memories and utilizing eye movement to reprocess the memories. You can do this with eye movements, tapping, or other less-visual methods. Over the course of each session, the mind will respond less and less to the memory or the thought. You are essentially re-learning how to think about and process memory.

EMDR allows the brain to untangle the original memories and associated emotions/beliefs. This untangling allows the person to remember the experience without re-triggering old survival responses.

EMDR will change the experience of the memory itself.

How do we know EMDR works?

Woman reaching up arms up to bright sun. If you're struggling with feeling stuck EMDR therapy in Texas may help. Become unstuck and heal. Work with a skilled online therapist who gets it and provides emdr therapy near me "southlake 76092"EMDR is heavily researched and studied. Since its creation by psychologist Francine Shapiro around 1989, over 20,000 practitioners have been trained to perform EMDR. The American Psychological Association has a great collection of case studies demonstrating the efficacy of EMDR. At the Well House, many lives changed have been as a result of the EMDR protocols.

Who are the best candidates for EMDR Therapy in Southlake, TX?

Depending on your situation, you can use EMDR in conjunction with traditional talk therapy or in place of talk therapy. Many EMDR studies have been with individuals suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Since its inception in the 1980s, therapists use many treatment protocols to treat a variety of needs beyond PTSD. EMDR can help with:

  • Anxiety, panic attacks, and phobias
  • Chronic Illness and medical issues
  • Depression and bipolar disorders
  • Dissociative disorders
  • Eating disorders
  • Grief and loss
  • Pain
  • Performance anxiety
  • Personality disorders
  • PTSD and other trauma and stress-related issues
  • Sexual assault
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Substance abuse and addiction
  • Violence and abuse

Another use for EMDR Therapy: Peak Performance Protocol

Peak performance southlake athlete bending backward with arms up above head. When you're training, the last thing you need to deal with is performance anxiety. Get help with emdr for peak performance today. Recover via EMDR therapy in Texas!EMDR for performance works in your mind to identify and reprogram the negative emotions and beliefs that are holding you back. The EMDR for Peak Performance protocol takes these principles and applies them towards amplifying your performance potential. Whether you are an athlete looking to get an edge on your competition or an entrepreneur looking to maximize your mind, EMDR therapy in Texas is a great way to do so. Emotions can hold us back in ways that we never even knew.

If you struggle with performance anxiety or have difficulty speaking in front of any large group of people, you likely have some negative beliefs running in the background of your mind. The EMDR for Peak Performance protocol can help you break down the fears and resistance to public speaking. Your counselor will walk you through a process that begins with identifying the negative beliefs and fears that are holding you back.

When finished with the peak performance protocol, you will have a new way of seeing yourself.

You will feel confident and no longer fear public speaking and will be able to perform at your best no matter the situation.

For athletes, past injuries can lead to hesitation and can get in the way of you performing at the highest level. When you get to a certain level in your sport, the difference between good and great often comes down to your mental game. The Peak Performance protocol will strategically target the areas that are holding you back. By working with an EMDR therapist, you will begin to think differently and perform better.

What do we offer for Online EMDR Therapy in Texas or at our office in Southlake?

The counselors at The Well House are trained to work with you using EMDR therapy techniques for anything from trauma recovery to peak performance EMDR therapy. We partner with you to help you overcome your past and to create your future. With the right support, anything is possible. Learn more about us today and contact us via text, phone call, or email to get you started on the path to better living.

Begin EMDR Therapy in Southlake, TX

If you’re dealing with performance anxiety or trauma, then working with a caring EMDR therapist can help you.  Our Southlake, Texas counseling group has caring therapists who specialize in online EMDR Therapy in Texas, or in-person in our Southlake, TX office. To begin your counseling journey, follow these simple steps:

  1. ​Text, call or email The Well House
  2. Meet with one of our skilled therapists
  3. Start living your life in a more fulfilling way free from anxiety and healing from trauma!

Other Mental Health Services at The Well House

EDMR Therapy in Texas isn’t the only service we offer in our South Lake, TX counseling group. Other services include therapy for momsparent coachingEMDR for peak performancetherapy for teenspostpartum support for momsacademic coachingcareer coaching for young adultsmarriage counseling and couples therapyyoung adult therapy, and for LPC Interns and Associates looking to complete their licensure requirements we offer clinical supervision in Texas. All of our services are offered via online therapy in Texas and we have limited in-person options. When you’re ready, begin therapy and start living in a healthy and more fulfilling way.